Friday, September 7, 2007

Free time blues

If you've ever had free time in the middle of an otherwise busy schedule, you'll know exactly how frustrating it can be. Your friends are never free when you want them to be. People dont reply as often on facebook or scrap you enough on orkut. You evetually get tired of checking your mail a dozen times, and it is precisely as these moments that you decide that you ought to make this time more productive.

So you make a list of things to do.You end up doing just 2 things out of 12.

The TV doesnt appease you. You stop reading. Nothing interests you. You think shopping might help, but your colleague who has been watching you for the past week, tells you its only a stop-gap solution.You agree.

You spent the next day cleaning your cupboard, your shelves, throwing out stuff you dont need. Its supposed to soothe your mind. In the end, it becomes endless and frustrating, and you realise you opened pandora's box. You manage to clear as much of the mess you've created, and sit down thinking that you're tired enough not to feel restless anymore.

But you do.And so you start a blog, and key in a perfectly random and otherwise unnecessary entry.

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